From the figure, Electric Cooperative (EC) number 2 has the lowest number of customers while EC #86 has the most number of customers being served. For the circuit kilometer (CKM), EC #91 has the longest distribution lines while EC #33 operates the shortest CKM.
It is interesting to note that EC #91 has the longest CKM and yet serve a number of customers which is less than the number of customers of EC #86. The area franchise of EC #91 maybe very large and rural that it takes to build, operate and maintain such length of distribution lines with such medium number of electric consumers. EC #86 has the highest number of customers and yet operate a not so longer distribution circuits. It can be hypothesized that the area served by EC #86 is very electric power dense. Same evaluation can be derived with EC numbers 2 and 33.
In this case, regulatory considerations for project investing for Philippine electric cooperatives must consider how the service area of an EC is electrically dense or not. If the analysis above does not stand with the density of the franchise, then EC #91 has over built distribution lines while EC #86 can be said to have efficiently invested in electric power distribution lines for a greater number of customers.
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