The modifications applied to the power systems were basically adding thermal ratings for the branches. This will results into some overloads in the system. The IEEE 24 bus of Reliability Test System (RTS) has an increased percentage in loads to create problems in voltage and branch loading.
The main purpose of the problems arising from the modifications is to stimulate education among students to solve the problems in pre and post- contingencies.
The following figures present the thermal violations in the test power systems.
![]() |
IEEE 14 Bus System Thermal Violation |
![]() |
IEEE-RTS 24 Bus System Thermal Violations |
![]() | |
IEEE 30 Bus System Thermal Violations |
You can download the files which were developed in version 15 of PowerWorld software from this link here.
Could i get the files which were save as in version 12.0 of PowerWorld software. I can't open your files using PowerWorld 12.0.
I did the models in PowerWorld 15.0 so I believe I won't be able to open and save them in version 12.0.
My suggestion is to download the version 15.0.
Thanks for your reply. My faculty only provides me with PowerWorld v12.0 and still haven't upgraded it to version 15.0. The problem is it doesn't support the files did in PowerWorld 15.0. I have downloaded the version 15.0 educational version but it is limited to systems with 13 buses maximum.
I think you can try this. Click on the (PowerWorld Icon) in the upper-left and choose (Save Case As) then choose save as type : (PowerWorld Binary v12.0) as to save an existing file/case.
Appreciate you can help. You can email me at
Thank You
I will send the version 12 files to your email shortly. Try downloading the educational version with Glover/Sarma book which can handle 40 buses.
John, here is the link for the educational version with Glover/Sarma/Overbye book which can handle 40 buses.-
Thanks for your help and info.
My university only provides me the 13.0 version. But i'll try to install the Glover/Sarma version. Thanks for the info, the link & the examples!.
C. Castillo, you're very welcome!
Hello Edwin B.
I'm student that starting to use the PW 16.0 and I'm interested in the file of 30 bus system, your link for download the file is broken, so reupload those files IEEE_Test_Systems please, thanks so much
best regards
Can i get the files for the IEEE test systems please?
Please send me your email address at!
relhello, hav a nice day! can u send me ieee 14 bus in powerworld file to my mail.
my mail is
Could you also send me a copy of the IEEE power world files? The file link is broken my email is
Hi, I am an electrical Eng. student and I have the educational PW version that came with Glover/Sarma/Overbye book.
Cloud you send me the files (14 bus system) to my email
Hi, my names is Lucas and I'm a master's student in Power Quality from Brazil.
The 4shared link doesn't seem to work here with me. Could you send the IEEE 14 bus test to my email please?
Thank you.
Can you please send me the files. I have Power world simulator ver. 16.0. The link seems to be broken.
Kshitij S Byahatti
Kshitij, please post your email.
Please send me the link as well. My email id is
Could you please send me a copy of the files of IEEE test systems
my Email:
Could you please send me those test files of IEEE test systems
my email is
thank you very much :)
Hello, I am an electrical engineering student from Poland. Could you please send me those test systems?
My email:
I'm electrical Eng student and I'm doing a project related to these test case systems. Please could you send the files to my e-mail?
Thank you,
Vitor Vidal de Negreiros
thank for ur files, but I want to download them from the link u have share, but the 4shared says that the link is nit valid, U would be thankful if u help me, how to have these file,
I'm doing a risk management research on 24 bud IEEE test system, I would appreciate if you could send me 24 bus test file for powerwold
Fen, please post your email address. Thanks.
Thanks for ur reply. It really helps
I have a problem with some datas, I want to know that if I want to do contingency analysis on this test system, should I have make some modification? because some of its data differs from the original test system data?
thank u in advance for ur guidance
Does anybody have the full data of IEEE 24 bus system?
as a pdf or something
would you pls send it to my Email?
Thank you in advance
Hi, could you please send me the files. The download link is not valid. Also, my school uses v17 educational, will the files be able to run on that? If not can you please post a download link for the powerworld which the files can run on, the link for v15 you posted is also not valid. Thank you
My email is:
I am a student of electrical engineering. I am currently developing new models for load flow and I would like to compare my results with those obtained in PowerWorld. Please send me the files to Thanks
Best Regards
Could you please send me those Bus Test files(30buses)?
My E-mail is
Could you please send me those Bus Test files(30buses)by using power world?
My E-mail is
can some please provide me IEEE cases solved in power world simulator, need it to do my project work ... need urgently.. please..
thanks in advance... my email id
Hello, as you know the 4shared link is not working, could you please send me 14 buses file ?
Thank you
help please;for ieee30buses how can i Use the load variation graph to simulate a varying load increase from 100% (using the base
case) to 130% during the simulation time
could you please send me ieee 30 bus I would appreciate that .
I can't download it from 4shared.
please help !!!
Hello, the 4shared link is not working, could you please send me the file for all buses ?
Thank you
Hi Edwin B. Cano
I am an electrical engineering student and I need ieee 14 bus system power world file as soon as possible can you please please send them as soon as possible because I need that for my course project. I am using power world 17 version can you please send me the files which are compatible with this version.
My email id is
If anybody has ieee14 powerworld file please please please send me to this email please its urgent please:
The ieee files which you sent me is not opening in my power world because it can handle only upto 14 buses so can you please provide me some solution please is there any chance of downloading free version which can handle 40 buses please provide me that as soon as possible please I tried of using that link which you provided in the blog to download version handling 40 buses but it is not opening so please help me please or do you have ieee 11 bus system atleast if you have this can you send me this please as soon as possible. my email id is
I'm doing a project on 24 bus IEEE test system, I would appreciate if you could send me 24 bus test file for powerwold.
if anyone decide to share data can send a copy to
Hey there,
I'm a senior year eee student in Turkey and my final year project is about to reactive power compensation of ieee 14 bus system using computer programmes. Could you send me the files and actually i have some questions, if it doesn't bother you.Here is my mail :
can you send me the file dude?
I am #48 here.
Could anyone send me IEEE 14 bus system first of all?
And the rest also f possible.
Hi, my names is muath and I'm a master's student in Power Quality from jordan.
The 4shared link doesn't seem to work here with me. Could you send the IEEE 14 bus test to my email please?
Hi, my names is muath and I'm a master's student in Power Quality from jordan.
The 4shared link doesn't seem to work here with me. Could you send the IEEE 24 bus test to my email please?
I need the 14 bus system for my project. Could you please send it on my id- I am unable to download it from here as the link is broken.
Can you please send me the IEEE 30 bus system?
I would appreciate a positive reply.
Thanks in advance.
Can you please send me the IEEE 30 bus system?
I would appreciate a positive reply.
Thanks in advance.
my mail id:
Can u give us the 30 bus n 14 bus? I'm from malaysia currently do the assignment in load flow analysis.
Hello Edwin
Could You send me the new england 39 bus system for PowerWorld Simulator v15? I am an engineering student from Warsaw University of Technology and I couldn't find that test system for PW15, there are files available for PW17 but we don't own that version. It would help me very much in my engineering thesis. My e-mail:
Thanks !
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